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Jennifer Shaw

Hi, I’m Jennifer Shaw, and for almost two decades I have been helping women learn how to eliminate stress, reduce pain, and move with greater ease toward reclaiming their life purpose through mindfulness coaching, energy healing and more recently as a Forest Therapy Guide.

Ever since my early childhood, I have spent most of my life outdoors. It was here in the natural world where I felt most at home. I knew there was something special at play with the animals and plants, something magical that had no words or explanation but was deeply rooted inside of me.

Around age 10, I got a deeper glimpse into what was happening while I was riding a very speedy pony. If I tried to make her go slow by pulling on the reins she only went faster, but if I allowed myself to be still and think slow, she would oblige me and we would have a lovely ride. There was a rhythm and flow that I began to notice in other people, animals, trees and plants. It was like we were connecting and sharing some magical type of aliveness.

Jennifer Shaw

I never left that part of my life behind and carried it forward into my adult life where I dedicated my study and work to sharing this oneness, this healing, and this aliveness with others. Surrounded by horses, dogs, and cats, on a piece of land, I established a holistic practice that now includes mindfulness coaching, engaging with nature as a Forest Therapy Guide, and working with the subtle energies that flow through all living things in an effort to support others heal themselves and reclaim that piece of unspoken aliveness they long for.

It’s been almost two decades now since I began my practice. Life has marched on. My children are grown. My grandkids are rapidly approaching teen years. The piece of land has been replaced with a variety of venues. There have been deep losses that have wounded like a sharp-edged knife, as well as lots of laughter and joy for myself and those I support.

As I write this bio for a freshened-up website, life feels unhurried. I smiled to myself with deep satisfaction in knowing that the impersonal, hurried way of life skims only the surface. Below that often frazzled exterior of a chaotic, estranged world lies stillness, and the unspoken language of aliveness that beckons me, and you, to remember. Won’t you join me?

Gratefully from my heart to yours,


What I Believe

Joy, peace, and equality are our birthright.

Our bodies are equipped with a natural way of healing and it is our responsibility to listen to its messages and embrace this level of self-care.

We truly are connected to every living being, including the earth, and the sky above. Oneness is a real thing not just some catchy phrase.

Life is a practice pure and simple. It’s your dedication to that practice that makes it worthwhile.

Words hold tremendous power in how we relate and create. I have learned over the years fewer words and more active listening makes me a better friend, teacher, coach, and also a more compatible person for myself to live with.

Nature is where we can reclaim that elusive lost part of ourselves. Lack of a connection to nature is a leading cause of depression, illness, and feeling lost.

There is no shame in making a mistake, we all do. So, go easy on yourself.

Our biggest hurts often lead to our greatest growth and wisdom when we can see them with an open heart.

Resistance has never solved anything and is only met with more resistance.

If we don’t learn how to truly care about something or someone, we will never be invested in its well-being.

As corny as it may sound, love is always the answer.



BA Journalism ~ Florida Atlantic University

Photography ~ The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Professional Development

Certified Life Empowerment Coach ~ Institute for Professional Coaching

Certified Grief Coach ~ The Grief Coach Academy

Certified Equine Assisted Learning ~ EGALA

Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner & Earthkeeper Mesa Carrier ~ Four Winds Society

Certified Wilderness Therapy Intervention/Level One ~ Somatic Wilderness Institute

Certified Forest Therapy Guide ~ Forest Therapy School

Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

Certified Karuna Reiki Master/TeacherCertified Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher

Certified Animal Reiki Master/Teacher ~ SARA

Certified Meditation Teacher & Trainer ~ The Path (currently completing)

The Power of Radical Forgiveness ~ Presenter Colin Tipping from Institute for Radical Forgiveness Therapy and Coaching

Nonviolent Communication ~ Presenter Marshall Rosenburg PhD, American Psychologist, The Center for Non-violent Communication

Coaching and Forgiveness, Coaching and Your Personality Type, Mastering Life’s Energies ~ Dr. Maria Nemeth, PhD

Community Involvement

Coaching, GreenHouse17 Coaching & Reiki; 2006 – present
Volunteer, Carl Sandburg Home; 2016 – 2020
Volunteer, Hospice of the Foothills; 2017 – 2019
Volunteer, Woodford County Humane Society; 2006 – 2012
Volunteer, Hospice of the Bluegrass; 2010 – 2015
Action Partnership Committee for “Horses & Bourbon), Bluegrass Community; 2011
Board of Directors, Woodford County Chamber of Commerce; 2010 – 2011


Shaw, J. (2010). The Reinvention of Me. In Kloser, C. & Klippel, L. (Ed.), Align, Expand, and Succeed (pp. 87-91). St. Peters, MO: Love Your Life Publishing. Shaw, J. (20140. GRIEF DANCING. In Ready, Aim, Inspire. ( pp. 108-111). Expert Insights Publishing: Charlotte NC.